Rhinebeck Equine LLP Testimonial

October 13, 2021

To Whom It May Concern,

My practice, Rhinebeck Equine LLP, has been providing veterinary care for Mike Bucci’s horses for more than 15 years. He takes in unwanted horses and other animals to give them a good retirement. Some of his horses are used in a program for children with autism and developmental disabilities. His physical plant is not fancy but his animals are always well fed and cared for with love and compassion.

For about 2.5-3 years (2018-2020), Mike allowed a large herd of goats to be kept at his farm. The goats were confined to a large barn and accumulated about 3 feet of manure in that space because their owner did not clean up after them. Mike took it upon himself to let the goats out of the barn everyday so they could have access to fresh air and grazing. The build up of manure and urine created an unhealthy environment that was detrimental to the goats’ health. Mike’s actions surely improved their quality of life and health.

I would be happy to answer any questions or concerns that you many have about the animals that Mike has in his care. They are happy.

Nina Deibel DVM